Monday, October 29, 2012

Boost easy weight loss programs when temps drop

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Summer can be very motivating when it comes to easy weight loss programs. With bikinis and summer soirees in the midst, it’s definitely easier to stay on track. Yet with the holidays on the horizon, there’s even more reason not to let it all go to &^%. Instead of struggling to lose weight or maintain your new lifestyle, follow these tips to stay motivated.

Medical weight loss centers recommend increasing your physical activity when you want to lose weight. When it’s colder in the fall and winter, you may need to spend a little more time indoors working out, whether it’s in Pilates classes or at the gym. Now is the time to sign up for those new classes you’ve been wanting to take. Maybe it’s Zumba or Krav Maga—try whatever piques your interests because anything you can do to switch it up is only going to benefit weight loss programs and diets.  

Make new playlists! Kick things into gear with some new music that keeps you energized. Treat yourself to a slew of new downloads, or sign up for Pandora or Spotify so you never run out of new tunes.

Plan your goals. Even when you’re on a weight maintenance plan,  you need to keep confusing your muscles and striving for improvement so that you don’t plateau. Maybe you want to lose another five pounds, an inch from your waistline or improve your cholesterol levels. Always be safe when you set goals; you may want to consult the physician at one of our medical weight loss centers to ensure that your goals are safe and realistic.

Get a workout buddy. Find a friend who is seriously into getting into shape, not just a buddy to swap gossip with. Having a commitment is going to help you drag yourself out of bed on those cold mornings that you’d rather get extra hours of shuteye.

Switch it up. Revamp your program once a month if you can. If you do the same amount of time on the elliptical every day, you’ll probably get bored, your body will get used to the workout and results will plateau. Mix strength training up with yoga or Pilates classes, add in a kickboxing or dance class, play a weekly round of tennis or make plans to go snowboarding. Getting out of your comfort zone builds self-confidence and burns calories.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Do weight loss programs and Halloween mix?

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You’ve tried diets and weight loss programs in the past, but never have you done so well with them. Then, before you know it, Halloween rolls around, and with it, the onset of the holidays.  Could Halloween and the festivities accompanying it undo all the hard work you’ve done?

Don’t let fear take you over—we’ve got some easy tips for staying on track while still enjoying the holiday.

  1. Don’t shop for Halloween treats until the day before, or better yet, the day of. That way, you won’t be tempted every single day. Knowing there are bags of candy in your cupboard can corrupt even the most disciplined dieter.
  2. Schedule a visit to one of our medical weight loss centers the day before or day of Halloween. What better way to stay motivated? You can stock up on some weight loss products, such as our delicious Weight Loss pops and Drizzles to satisfy your sweet tooth.
  3. If you’re taking children trick-or-treating, eat a fiber-filled meal beforehand to stave off hunger and so that you won’t succumb to that urge to sample the goods while you’re traveling house to house.
  4. Plan in advance. Ultimately, you know you’re going to give in just a little to temptation around Halloween, especially when there are parties involved. Make arrangements to eat a little healthier and increase your physical activity in the days surrounding Halloween and any parties you’ll be attending. That way, you won’t need to rush to one of our medical weight loss centers the next day to try and make up for damage done. Plus, you’ll alleviate a little bit of the guilt you should not be making yourself endure.
Stock up on some goodies that won’t wreak havoc on diets and weight loss programs —or your Halloween costume.  Try some low-calories treats that won’t disappoint trick-or-treaters, like lollipops such as Blow Pops and Tootsie Pops. Better yet, hand those out at the door while you sample some delicious Weight Loss pops!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Boost easy weight loss programs by maximizing your workout

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While proper nutrition is the priority when following diets or easy weight loss programs to lose weight, physical activity is an important factor as well. It’s important to adopt a regular workout program to improve your overall health, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend more time at the gym. The physicians at our weight loss clinics offered up some ways to maximize your workouts in the most efficient manner possible.

1.    If you only have half an hour to work out, that’s okay. Short burst of intense cardio work help to burn calories fast and rev your metabolism, which are both essential to success with any easy weight loss programs. While you may usually spend an hour at the gym, you’re probably not exercising intensely the entire time. Shorter workouts with increased intensity can do the job just as well. Try interval training for an incredible calorie burn.

2.    Circuit train. Your muscles need a rest between sets so they have time to recover. Develop a circuit of exercise that target different muscle groups so that you can rest one group while you target another. This will keep your heart elevated as well, which is extremely important for calorie burn, according to doctors at medical weight loss centers. 

3.    Switch it up. Many patients of our weight loss clinics complain that their results plateau after a few months of exercising, which can happen with weight loss programs as well. Plus, people can get bored with doing the same workout every single time. You need to confuse your muscles and challenge your entire system, so switch your workout regimen every few weeks, and mix in different types of training. For example, add yoga or Pilates for flexibility training if you typically just go to the gym. Mix in a dance class or sport, such as tennis, surfing, beach volleyball, swimming, etc.

4.    Enlist a workout buddy. This is a great way to stay motivated and keep you accountable. Having a buddy you work out with once a week will make you less likely to skip a session if you’re feeling lazy.

5.    The physicians at our medical weight loss centers recommend exercises that work more than one muscle at a time, as they offer greater overall benefits. Some great examples of these types of exercises include lunges, squats, and bicycle ab crunches.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Putting a Japanese spin on weight loss programs

The Okinawa region of Japan is considered a “Blue Zone,” one of the areas of the world where people live the longest, according to Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones: Lessons for living longer from the people who’ve lived the longest. In Okinawa, people live longer than most Americans, and the need for weight loss programs is much less.  

Japan’s stronger longevity rate is greatly attributed to the healthier diets and lifestyles of the population in this region. Many medical weight loss centers recommend adopting a similar mindset and meal plan—with an obesity rate of less than four percent, it’s pretty clear that the Japanese can teach us a thing or two. Who knows—perhaps following their lifestyle could eliminate the need for weight loss programs and weight loss products altogether in America.

One of the fundamental elements of the Japanese diet is to begin all of their meals with soup—even breakfast! Miso soup is part of most of their meals—it makes sense because a broth-based soup can help you feel full for longer periods of time, thus decreasing the possibility of overeating. The physicians at our medical weight loss centers agree that soup is an ideal way to start a meal. Perhaps try just starting lunch and dinner with a soup if you can’t stomach it first thing in the morning. Stick to broth-based soups; creamy ones tend to be high in both calories and fat.

Another aspect of the Japanese diet which weight loss clinics recommend is to add lots of color to your plate. The Japanese strive to incorporate five different colors into each meal: red, blue or green, black, white and yellow. By creating a colorful plate, you’re certain to get lots of healthy foods that are high in their content of soluble fiber. Aim for colorful fruits like apples, oranges, grapes and berries, as well green leafy vegetables, peppers, tomatoes—you get the picture.   

A philosophy that the Japanese don’t share with Americans is the clean-your-plate mentality. Instead, they typically eat only until they are about 80 percent full. This helps them to maintain a stable weight, whereas American usually gain a pound per year after turning 30, even when they use some of the best weight loss products available. To put this into practice, trim your serving down from the get-go, and then eat slowly so your stomach has time to signal your brain that it’s full.