Sunday, June 30, 2013

4 Foods that boost your health

Whether you’re striving to lose weight with diets or easy weight loss programs, it’s important to eat a balanced meal plan packed in nutrient-rich foods. Many medical centers for weight loss recommend learning about proper nutrition so that you can select foods that contain the nutrients your body needs to achieve optimum health and functionality.

Salmon for heart health. Healthy fats are essential to a healthy diet. Foods such as salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which protect against cardiovascular disease. In addition, research shows that healthy fats help prevent spikes in adrenaline and cortisol, a stress hormone that increases belly fat. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids may elevate your mood and make your skin glow. Choose wild-caught salmon for a higher protein content and up to 20 percent less fat.

Kiwi for bones. Kiwis are loaded with fiber, which aids digestion and regulates the absorption of blood sugar. Packing more vitamin C than oranges, the antioxidant content of kiwis helps maintain clear skin, promotes healthy bones, lowers blood pressure and neutralizes the free radicals that lead to chronic illnesses and disease. Their sweet, refreshing taste makes them ideal for easy weight loss programs, as they can curb a sweet tooth and your appetite in general.

Spices for your blood
. Spices like ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and cayenne not only improve a meal’s taste, they also boost your metabolism. In addition, these antioxidant-rich spices are have anti-inflammatory effects on the body and help regulate blood sugar levels.

Oysters for eyesight
. Oysters are packed with antioxidants that promote eye health. They are the richest source of zinc of any food, which helps with healing and boosts immunity, and are loaded with selenium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Oysters boast high-quality protein, which is recommended by medical centers for weight loss because it’s easier to digest than land-based protein, such as beef and poultry.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

5 Tasty treats for easy weight loss programs

Many dieters mistakenly believe that to lose weight, they have to live on celery sticks and rice cakes. This is not the case at all! There are many safe and easy weight loss programs that include mouthwatering foods that are healthy for you and enjoyable. Here are some delicious recommendations that were approved by medical weight loss centers and their members.
1.      Oatmeal. Oats are one of the most appetite-satiating foods you can get. A whole grain food, oatmeal is digested much slower than any other carbs, and therefore helps regular blood sugar and keep you fuller longer than other foods. Plus, just one cup boasts eight grams of fiber. For best results, opt for steel cut oatmeal and add fruit for an antioxidant-rich breakfast that’s ideal for easy weight loss programs.

2.      Avocados. Technically a fruit, avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated, aka “healthy” fats, which are packed with the hormones that keep you feeling full for hours on end.

3.      Lean, grass-fed beef. Who says a hamburger can’t be healthy? Grass-fed beef packs a serious protein punch, which helps us develop the lean muscle mass that ultimately makes our body burn more calories overall (the more muscle you have, the higher your caloric burn). Opt for grass-fed whenever you can.

4.      Greek yogurt. This tangy treat boosts your energy, curbs your appetite and delivers approximately 20 grams of protein per seven-ounce serving. It’s a favorite among members of medical weight loss centers, because it makes an excellent substitute for many calorie-laden foods. Drizzle it with honey or eat it with sliced bananas, berries or pomegranate seeds. Use it as a dip for sliced apples or pears, or as an alternative to mayonnaise and other creamy indulgences. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how easily it works with other foods.

5.      Popcorn. While we’re not talking about the salty, butter-laden popcorn you get at the movies, this whole grain curbs hunger like few other foods. Make your own air-popped version for a low-calorie snack—season it with chili powder for a spicy treat or cinnamon to curb a sweet tooth.
Click here for more info about easy weight loss programs.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Avoiding common pitfalls of weight loss programs

Diets that focus on the quick fix set you up for failure because they can leave you feeling deprived, missing certain food groups or just unhealthy overall. It’s important to look for safe, easy weight loss programs that guide you towards a healthier lifestyle instead of just making quick moves that lead you to binge or gain the weight back when you “go off” a diet. The ultimate goal is to transform your lifestyle into one that’s healthy and manageable for the long-term so that you maintain your weight loss for life.

Here are a few reasons why weight loss clinics want you to focus on slow, steady weight loss rather than crash diets.

That feeling of deprivation. When you follow a strict diet or cut out entire food groups, such as fat or carbs, you may ultimately “fall off the wagon,” and succumb to a binge, which can derail the results of easy weight loss programs. More importantly, you will most likely suffer nutritional imbalances that can negatively impact your health.

You cheat one day and never return.  Every once in a while, we will stray from our diets. But giving into temptation one day doesn’t mean all *&^% should break loose.  One day is not going to destroy all your efforts. You have to think about the big picture and if you indulge yourself every now and then, just start fresh the next. Stay away from diets that are too strict—you’ll be more bound to stray and not be able to return to the good side.

After you “finish” your diet, you start gaining weight again. When you reduce your calorie count too much or eliminate certain food groups, this will affect your metabolism and ultimately slow it down. Then when you start eating normally again, you’ll gain weight unless your metabolism is reset. This is exactly why slow and steady wins the race—your body will slowly adjust to the changes you’re making so you can avoid a sluggish metabolism.  

Click here to learn more about the best weight loss clinics in your area.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Your summer weight loss plan

Summer is here—instead of getting stressed about squeezing into that bikini, take control of the situation by adopting a healthy weight loss plan. There are some basic strategies that are already popular and well-known—cut down the fat and calories, up your intake of fruits and vegetables, and start a workout regimen. However, if you want your results to last, then you’ll need to transform your lifestyle for the long-term. The best way to do that is to find habits that you know you can live with, and adopt them one or two at a time.

Below are some great tips that we learned from the staff at several Southern California weight loss clinics.

Make clever substitutions.
Skip the fatty ranch or sour cream dip and use hummus or vegetable bean dip instead. Opt for almond butter spreads instead of butter or cream cheese. Swap out sugary-laden dips for fruit with natural applesauce sprinkled with cinnamon—it’s delicious with apples, bananas, pears and melons.

Alleviate temptation
. Dump out all the junk food and baked goods in your refrigerator and pantry. The easiest way to achieve success with your weight loss plan is to simply remove all temptation.

Don’t trade fats for sugar
. Watch out for foods with labels such as “fat free” and "zero trans fats." In order to preserve the taste, these foods tend to substitute huge amounts of sugar or sodium for the fat, which can be very detrimental to your weight loss plan. Plus, many people think “low fat” means license to eat more and ultimately end up overeating

Move it to lose it
. Move around every chance you get. Take the stairs, walk on errands, ride your bike to the post office and join a sports league. You know the drill. Start up a cardio workout regimen in addition to supplementary exercise programs, such as walking, jogging, resistance training, yoga or Pilates classes.

Aim for a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Get a pedometer to help you keep track of your steps and strive to take at least 10,000 a day, which equals approximately five miles. This number was determined as a result of collaborative research by the United States, Canada, France and Sweden to establish guidelines for how many steps per day people should take to control their weight.

Be in the moment.
Don’t eat in front of the television or while reading. Distracted dining leads you to consume more calories. Stay present, take your time and savor each bite.

Click here
to learn more strategies that weight loss clinics offer their clients.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Quick tips from medical weight loss clinics

Portion control is key
Weight loss is a journey—and for some, a constant battle. Yet while there are many ways to lose weight, truly adopting a healthy lifestyle is the best way to maintain long-term weight loss. To make the process easier for you, we asked the staff at several medical weight loss clinics to share some of their most popular tips among their clients and members. Here are a few that will help your transform your lifestyle and keep the pounds off for good.

Make it easy. Always have healthy snacks on hand. Keep a bowl of vegetables such as broccoli, snap peas, celery, cucumbers or carrot sticks in the refrigerator. Have a bowl of fresh fruit in an easy to access spot in the kitchen, and bring some of your favorites to work. If you’re on the go a lot, then opt for some low-calorie weight loss products instead of hitting the nearest vending machines or fast food drive thru.

Find a motivational tool. Post a photo of yourself at your ideal weight on the refrigerator or hang a favorite item of clothing that you no longer fit somewhere you can see it often. Even hanging it in the closet will do the trick.  

Watch your portions. It’s important to practice portion control when trying to lose and maintain weight. If you don’t know what a proper potion size looks like, head to one of the many medical weight loss clinics in your area and ask to see an example. A typical portion of meat, poultry or fish is about three ounces, or approximately the size of the palm of your hand.

Make some changes on the sly. There are many easy ways to cut calories and fat without sacrificing taste. Make some little changes that you and anyone else who lives with you won’t notice, such as substituting whole milk for skim milk, or swapping out those sugar-laden candy bars for weight loss products that have a higher protein content so that you’ll satiate cravings without consuming your entire calorie load in one sitting. If you cook dinner for your family or partner every night, everyone will benefit.

If these tips have motivated you, click here to learn more about the benefits of working with medical weight loss clinics.
