Monday, December 16, 2013

3 Tips for Mastering Holiday Parties

If you’re not trying to look like Santa Clause this holiday season, then you should adopt a strategy for making it through holiday parties and festivities. While it may be tempting to forget about the diets or weight loss programs you’ve been following, straying completely can set you back a significant amount once the holidays are over. Instead, try a few of the following tips for enjoying yourself at holiday parties without going too far overboard.

1. Keep the pre-party sampling to a minimum. Whether you’re hosting the party or just bringing a dish, don’t get carried away with sampling the goods. You can easily consume hundreds of calories that will send the post-party calorie tally through the roof. Don’t cook or prepare food on an empty stomach—have a balanced snack beforehand that includes hunger-satiating fiber or lean protein. Or if you’re on the go and picking up goods at a bakery or specialty grocery store, have weight loss products on hand, such as Control Crisps or a protein bar to stave off hunger and make it easier to pass on the sampling.

2. Don’t sample freely. If you’re cooking or already at a party, don’t sample from the buffet—this can spell disaster for even the best weight loss programs. If you’re dying to taste something, put it on a plate. When you grab appetizers or hors d’oeuvres without putting them on a plate, you’re going to lose track of how much you’re eating and ultimately overindulge.

3. Navigate carefully. While the buffet table, bar and passes appetizers can be hard to keep track of, if you do a once over and plan both your splurges and the healthy foods to fill up on, it will be easier to practice moderation. Fill the majority of your plate with veggies and lean protein, and select a few of your favorites to indulge in. If you’re already feeling hunger pangs before the party starts, try some weight loss products designed to reduce hunger and regulate blood sugar, such as Drizzles or Protein Chips.

Monday, December 2, 2013

5 Ways to Recover From Thanksgiving

If you’re like most Americans, there’s a big chance that you may have overdone it a little this weekend. Those creamy gravy, buttery potatoes, rich casseroles and pumpkin pie are not the foods we typically recommend for easy weight loss programs. If you’re feeling bloated, heavier and a little bit upset, there is action you can take to get back on track today. Read on for some stellar tips from our weight loss clinics for recovering from a Thanksgiving binge.  

Eat like today is a normal day. Instead of trying to compensate by eating substantially less than you did this weekend, eat like it’s just a regular day. You actually do more harm than good when you try to balance out a previous binge—if you drastically restrict your caloric intake, you may end up overeating again. Have a healthy breakfast and eat lots of lean protein and fiber to fill you up.

Work it out. Don’t give in to the urge to hibernate—that coupled with overeating is a combination that won’t help you achieve success with easy weight loss programs. Hit the gym or go for your usual run today and stay consistent with your workouts throughout the week. Don’t skip exercise no matter what!

Avoid food that’s hard to digest. Stay away from processed foods this week, as they can cause distress within your digestive system. You may also want to avoid dairy products like milk and cheese until you feel like you’ve recovered from Thanksgiving.

Boost your water intake. Our weight loss clinics always recommend drinking lots of water when you’re trying to lose weight. Water will help flush away some of that bloated feeling and will fill you up to prevent future overeating.  

Stay positive. A little positivity goes a long way! Don’t be hard on yourself for getting off track for a few days and know that you have the power to move forward with your goals again. 
