Saturday, June 30, 2012

Choosing easy weight loss programs

As the rate of obesity in America continues to rise, the demand for easy weight loss programs is also increasing. It can be very difficult for many people to reach their desired weight—long term maintenance can be an even greater challenge. It’s easy to understand why people give up on losing weight and dieting, especially when it requires lots of deprivation and rigidity.

Studies show that nearly 50 percent of Americans go on a diet each year, though our obesity rate continues to grow. It often comes down to individuals needing a little help in the form of nutritional guidance and support. When diets become too difficult to follow, many individuals turn to easy weight loss programs offered by medical weight loss clinics in order to achieve safe, effective weight loss that lasts.

An important element of successful easy weight loss programs is their ability to motivate you to change the way you eat and increase the amount of calories you burn. Even more important is that your weight loss is achieved in the safest manner possible. If you choose to use medical weight loss pills to help reach your weight loss goals, make sure that you seek the guidance of a physician from one of our medical weight loss clinics to ensure the utmost safety.

For easy weight loss programs to be safe, they must include all of the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for protein, vitamins and minerals. While calories should be lower than they are prior to beginning the diet, the amount of nutrients you consume should not decrease. In regards to calorie count, while there are some general recommendations available on the internet, we recommend that you consult a physician at one of our medical weight loss centers to determine how many calories you should eat each day.

The goal should never be to lose 10 pounds in 10 days or anything along those extreme lines. Most medical weight loss centers recommend aiming for steady weight loss at a moderate pace. While you may experience greater weight loss the first week or two of any weight loss programs, this is mostly due to fluid, known as “water weight.” For the duration of the diet, choose a reasonable goal such as one to two pounds per week.

When choosing your program, work with a physician to determine if medical weight loss pills are your best bet to achieve your weight loss goals. In addition, find out if there are any other items available at our weight loss clinics that may make the process easier. There are many meal and snack replacements, supplements, injections such as Lipotropic or Vitamin B12, and other weight loss products available that can significantly improve your chances of weight loss success.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Spicing up Weight Loss Programs

Herbs and spices do much more than add some flavor to your meals—many of them actually provide wide-ranging benefits that improve your health and optimize weight loss programs.

Spicing up your food can make up for the flavor you take away by cutting out the fattening ingredients like sugar and salt that wreak havoc on weight loss programs. They can boost your metabolism while improving cardiovascular health and increasing resistance to illnesses and diseases. Check out some of the spices that pack the most benefits in their punch—many are even included in some of the weight loss products available in the marketplace.

Cinnamon is not only delicious, it helps to stabilize blood sugar, keep your arteries healthy and lower cholesterol. Many patients of our medical weight loss centers add it to coffee and other beverages, as well as oatmeal, vegetables and fruit. Grilling an apple or peach with cinnamon makes for a scrumptious dessert.

Chili peppers add heat to just about any meal while revving your metabolism.  They’re regularly recommended in recipes that are popular among patients from our medical weight loss centers due to their high content of capsaicin, which has been shown to offer an array of a health benefits including stopping ulcers, relieving pain, fighting prostate cancer and improving heart health. Studies show that capsaicin may stimulate chemicals in the brain that decrease feelings of hunger.

Ginger is another great spice that boasts myriad health benefits and is often a primary ingredient in many weight loss products and teas. It’s well-known for soothing an upset stomach and relieving digestive issues; studies show it can quell nausea caused by everything from morning sickness to chemotherapy. It’s rich in compounds called gingerols, which fight inflammation and the pain associated with arthritis.

Other spices that pack a serious healthy punch (and which we’ll cover in another post) include turmeric, rosemary, sage, saffron and parsley. Others to keep an eye out for include cumin and cilantro, which have been shown to boost memory and are being evaluated in new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Easy weight loss programs and nighttime eating

Following simple weight reduction programs requires planning and commitment. While the basic tenet of losing weight is to eat less calories than you burn, it’s not always that simple. To experience permanent weight loss, you need to eliminate bad habits and replace them with new healthy ones.

One bad habit that can have very negative repercussions is mindless nighttime eating. You could stay on track all day long with one of the best easy weight loss programs, but then render all your good efforts throughout the day ineffective by overeating at night.

At our medical weight loss clinics, we strongly emphasize the importance of watching what you eat at night. It’s so easy to sit down in front of the television at night and mindlessly munch on snacks, even if you’re still full from eating dinner. It’s a bit of a habit for many people; an act they associate with relaxation and unwinding. Yet mindless nighttime eating can quickly destroy the results of easy weight loss programs, especially when you’re snacking on food with empty calories, sugar and fat.

Think of all the times you may have sat down and eaten a whole box of popcorn, bag of potato chips or box of cookies. Eating that kind of food is bad in general when you’re trying to lose weight, but at night, when there is not much time left to burn calories, it can cause you to gain weight. Eating healthy salads, protein and snacking on weight loss products all day long will not make up for mindless nighttime eating. 

We always recommend that patients of our medical weight loss clinics lay down some boundaries for themselves. A good idea is to set a time for when the kitchen is officially closed down. If you do decide to have a snack, try to do so at least an hour before you go to sleep. Make sure that it’s something low-calorie. Ideally, eat a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, some Greek yogurt or weight loss products that stabilize your blood sugar, thus preventing a spike, such as Drizzles or a shake mix. However, the best possible nighttime snack would be some zero-calorie chamomile tea.

In addition, try to keep your hands busy when you’re sitting and watching television or even talking with your family—this can distract you from thinking about snacks. Maybe try knitting, crocheting, doing crossword puzzles or playing board games with your family.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Easy weight loss programs and sugar

Cutting out sugar is one of the most effective ways to have success with any easy weight loss programs. While sugary foods and sweets may be satisfying in the moment, they are one of the leading causes of weight gain and obesity—and the need for weight loss clinics.

Sugars are the simplest form of carbs, which cause your blood sugar levels to spike rapidly—aka sugar high. They cause weight gain because they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, which causes the levels of insulin in your body to rise, which clears fat and sugar from your blood and stores it in your tissue for later.  What happens then is that your body needs more energy, so you’re hungry soon afterwards and bound to eat again. Eating sugar starts a vicious cycle that can block the success of even the best easy weight loss programs.

Refined, white sugar is high in “empty” calories, which means they have almost no nutrients whatsoever. We always recommend that patients of our weight loss clinics try to eliminate sugary foods and drinks as much as possible, especially soda, candy, ice cream and baked goods. One 12-ounce can of soda has nearly eight teaspoons of sugar! By swapping out sodas for water or low-sugar, low-calorie drinks, you can make a difference in your weight and overall health very quickly. There are also many weight loss products that you can add to water for flavor and nutrients that make an excellent substitute for soda.

It’s also important to cut down on processed foods, which tend to have high sugar content. Hamburgers, canned foods, most frozen meals, rice, low grade fruit juices, and the obvious culprits mention above should be avoided as much as possible, or even eliminated. We all have a sweet tooth every now and then, so it’s okay to give in, but only once in a while. Depriving yourself may only lead to bingeing, so have that treat, but make it something you only do on special occasions. 

There are also lots of weight loss products, like our chocolate or caramel Drizzles, weight loss lollipops, and pudding and shake mixes that can easily satisfy your cravings without compromising your calorie plan for the day.

In a nutshell, the best strategy for having success with easy weight loss programs is to eat more protein, antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies, and decrease your sugar intake as much as possible. Follow those easy steps and you’ll definitely look and feel better!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Colorful easy weight loss programs

Fruits and vegetables are fundamental to experiencing success with easy weight loss programs and overall health. Both increase the volume of your meals, which keeps you feeling full longer while providing an essential array of nutrients, minerals and fiber. Their nutrient content is anti-aging and reduces the risk of many illnesses, including heart disease, strokes and certain forms of cancer.

At our weight loss clinics, we offer an easy tip for integrating enough fruits and veggies into your diet—color your meals! Variety is key, so make sure to eat fruits and vegetables in as many different colors as possible. For example, you’ll give your body a host of essential elements such as potassium, fiber, folate and vitamins A and C by eating spinach, sweet potatoes, corn, plums, oranges, grapefruit, black beans, onions and plums. All of these are nutrient-rich and help to stave off hunger, so you’ll have an easier time sticking to diets or easy weight loss programs.
Phytonutrients are what give fruits and vegetables their color and flavor. 

When you look at the broad spectrum of colors both food groups possess, you can see how different they are, and therefore, how different their content can be. At your next visit to one of our medical weight loss centers, ask for suggestions on the types you should be eating most of. Then get colorful!

Salads are strongly recommended by weight loss clinics due to the variety of nutrients they can easily offer. The base of a salad alone can provide a wide array of benefits, and then you can add on other fruits and veggies that make it even better for you.

Imagine a spinach salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, which gives them their rich red color, and is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize harmful free radicals, which can cause cancer, cardiovascular disease and other illnesses. Spinach is low in calories yet extremely nutrient-dense; it’s a great source of protein, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, folate, manganese, calcium, zinc, copper, and vitamins A, C, E, K, B2 and B6. Cucumbers are incredibly low-cal, have no fat, cholesterol or sodium, and only 3 grams of carbs. They’re high in fiber content, and rich in folate and thiamin, calcium, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc and potassium, as well as vitamins A, C, K, and B6. Now toss in some mushrooms or beans, or some fruit such as orange slices, pomegranate seeds or grapes, and you have the perfect meal for easy weight loss programs and great health. 

At your next visit to one of our medical weight loss centers, learn about ways to easily incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet and lifestyle, so you can achieve optimum health and reach your weight loss goals.