Saturday, January 26, 2013

Resolutions & weight loss programs

One month down—how are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? If you’re like the majority, you probably made losing weight one of your goals for the year. Hopefully, by now you’ve looked into weight loss programs, started eating differently and are getting some exercise.

If you’re having trouble sticking to healthy new habits and eliminating the bad ones, here are a few tips recommended by some centers for medical weight loss that will help you stay on track and keep your eyes on the prize.

Maintain a positive mindset
. Even if you strayed from the healthiest path here and there, you’ve got to believe in yourself and know that success is within in reach. While it’s important to follow most diets and weight loss programs closely, if you have a bad day and sin a little bit, get right back on track the next day without a second thought. We all have our moments, so don’t beat yourself when you indulge or slip up just a little bit.

Plan your meals. Instead of winging it every week, create a meal plan in advance that includes several healthy dinners per week, as well as low-fat, fiber-rich breakfasts, snacks and lunch. Once you’ve created the menu, you can write a grocery list and execute the meal plan with greater ease. This also gives you the chance to come up with some fun ideas and try new recipes.

Pack your lunch.
This one little habit will save you money and calories. Even packing your lunch three days a week will make a significant difference in your calorie count and nutritional well-being. Bring leftovers from your healthy dinner the night before, or grill up some chicken or fish and add it to a salad for a healthy meal that’s loaded with lean protein and fiber.

Get adequate rest. Centers for medical weight loss constantly stress the importance of sleep. Getting enough is extremely important for our health and well-being, and especially for weight loss. Make sure you get enough sleep so that you have energy to fuel your workouts and to stave off cravings that stem from your lack of sleep. Plus, many of us have a tendency towards late-night snacking—if you’re already in bed, you won’t be able to make that mistake.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weight loss clinics share ways to rev your metabolism

There are many reasons why our metabolism slows down—aging, a sedentary lifestyle and too much yo-yo dieting are just a few of the culprits. While there are some factors you can’t control, such as age and genetics, many weight loss clinics recommend the following tips for boosting your metabolism so you can enjoy success with diets and easy programs for weight loss.  

Take your workouts to a new level. Cardiovascular exercise is an ideal way to rev up your metabolism. But you’re not going to get the results you want by just jumping on the elliptical and moving at a moderate pace. The greater the intensity, the more your resting metabolic rate will increase. To maximize the benefits of your workout, work hard and do lots of intervals.
Increase lean muscle. The more lean muscle mass we have, the faster our bodies burn calories and fat—even when we’re sedentary. The greater our muscle mass, the more calories our bodies need as fuel. Incorporate resistance training several times a week to get results.

Power Up with Protein. Many weight loss clinics recommend increasing your protein consumption when you’re trying to lose weight. Your body actually burns more calories trying to digest protein and you stay fuller for longer periods of time. Some excellent protein sources include eggs, fish, poultry, tofu, legumes, Greek yogurt and nuts.

Hydrate. Our body needs water for digestion and all of its other functions, but especially to keep your metabolic rate revved. When we are dehydrated, it slows our metabolism down significantly. Those who follow easy programs for weight loss benefit from hydrating often—it helps you fill up faster and prevents you from mistaking thirst for hunger, which is a common issue. Aim to drink eight to 10 glasses per day, with one before every meal.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What happens when the scale just won’t budge?

Have you been cutting calories, using weight loss products and exercising daily, but the scale still won’t budge? If that’s the case, don’t get frustrated and leap off the wagon—there are many others in the same boat as you. Otherwise, medical clinics for weight loss probably wouldn’t exist.

While you may be avoiding sweets and practicing portion control with the discipline of an athlete, there are still some factors that you may be unaware of that are causing detriment to your weight loss plans. So keep practicing the good habits you’ve been working on, and take these three elements into consideration so that you’re better equipped to combat your weight issues.

A sluggish metabolism. Unfortunately, as we get older, our metabolism slows down. In addition, some people have issues due to yoyo dieting that can often result in a slowed metabolic rate. While this can be very frustrating, there are ways to deal with it. For starters, you may want to visit one of the many medical clinics for weight loss to find out if you do have metabolic problems. Next, you should focus on increasing your physical activity levels as much as possible. Start an exercise program or boost what you’re doing if you’re already working out. Don’t just hit the gym and do cardiovascular work; mix it up with strength and flexibility training. This will help to confuse your muscles and avoid the dreaded exercise plateau—plus, it will keep exercise interesting for you so you don’t get bored and lose motivation. Try fun and exciting workouts, such as kickboxing, yoga, Zumba and gymnastics classes. In addition, leave that sedentary lifestyle behind—walk to as many errands as you can, stand and fold your clothes when you do laundry, and just get moving as much as possible!

Lack of lean muscle. Lean muscle mass makes it easier for your body to torch calories—the more you build, the more efficiently your body will function. This explains why most men have an easier time burning calories. Again, hit the gym and do strength training—that’s the quickest and best way to gain muscle. You don’t need to get crazy and start following the regimen of a professional body builder or anything like that—just follow a safe weight lifting program that will lean you out. This is an area that something like Pilates or gymnastics classes can really help you with, as it is a very strength-building sport. For best results, alternate your workouts and try to mix your workout sessions up, switching back and forth between bursts of cardio work and resistance training.

Mindless snacking. Often times, people plop down in front of the television with a bag or box of something that can end up being very fattening. When you’re eating mindlessly, it’s easy to lose track of how much you’re eating and go too big, even if you’re eating weight loss products. Always put your meal on plate or count out your serving if you’re going to zone out with a snack. For example, count out 30 pistachios and put the jar away before you sit down to watch The Walking Dead marathon.
