Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cool Weight Loss Tips

While weight loss requires much discipline and planning, there are always tips to make the process easier and more efficient. We polled members of our medical weight loss clinics to find out some of their most effective methods for achieving success with easy weight loss programs. Read on for some inspiration and tips for making dieting easier.

  1. 1. Time it. Instead of browsing the aisles of the grocery store and wandering into dangerous territory, give yourself a time limit. Have your list ready and allocate a minimum amount of time—just enough to get your items and get out of the there. You’ll be less likely to wander into the junk food or processed foods sections.
2. Don’t skip. The worst thing you can do when you’re dieting is skip meals. Our bodies go into starvation mode when we go for too long without eating—this is not good, as your body will actually store fat. This slows down your metabolism and decreases your overall calorie burn.

3. Only use healthy cooking methods. Squash the urge to fry your dinner and instead only cook using healthy techniques such as steaming, roasting, baking, braising, poaching and broiling.

4. Slow it down. Many of use eat way too fast, which ultimately results in overeating and blowing it with even the best easy weight loss programs. Your stomach needs a good 20 minutes to signal your brain that it’s full, so give it what it needs. Slow down, don’t gulp and savor the meal.

5. Fill up on liquids. Many members of our medical weight loss clinics opt to start their meals with a low-sodium soup—research shows that those who eat soup at the beginning of their meal consume less calories overall throughout the meal. Another good option is to drink natural smoothies made with fresh, whole fruits and vegetables.

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