Monday, September 16, 2013

5 Reasons to Eat Cherries

You read that right—the top weight loss clinics recommend eating superfoods, and the latest discovery in the superfood chain is cherries! They’re delicious and go with so many different types of foods, but did you know how good they are for you? Even though one cup of cherries has only 90 calories, it provides three grams, one gram of protein and packs an antioxidant punch like few other foods. They’re a perfect food for those aiming to reduce calories through easy weight loss programs.
If you want some evidence of the benefits of eating cherries, read on! Our favorite weight loss clinics ranked their top five reasons for incorporating more of these tasty superfruits into your diet.

1.     Got a sweet tooth? Cherries will stave off that sweet tooth and help fill you up with their fiber content. They’re the perfect alternative to those sugary and calorie-laden options in the vending machines or any empty calorie foods like potato chips and other snack fare. Cherries’ glucose content is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, which helps regulate your blood sugar and results in increased energy.

2.     Cherries are loaded with anthocyanins, antioxidants with killer anti-inflammatory properties that also help combat free radical damage. Anthocyanins reduce the risk of heart disease a and also expedite muscle recovery and reduce soreness after workouts, so you can work out again that much sooner.

3.     Cherries are a great source of cyanidin, an antioxidant that combats free radicals and helps our systems function properly. 

4.     Eating cherries helps you get your Zzzz—and getting adequate sleep is critical to having success with diets. They are one of the few foods that melatonin, an antioxidant that produces the hormone that helps regulate our sleep cycles, occurs in naturally. They are one of few foods that melatonin naturally occurs in.

5.     In addition to all the antioxidants cherries boast, they are superb sources of fiber, which is essential to a healthy, low carb diet. They also have a high content of beta carotene, which bolsters our immune system, protects against toxins and improves both skin and eye health. Cherries are also excellent sources of protein, potassium, folate, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C.

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