Monday, September 2, 2013

3 Ways to Recover from Summer

Many of us work hard to get into summer shape—we sign up with programs at weight loss clinics, follow a low carb diet and work out religiously. But then, once summer is in full effect, we relax a bit, head out on vacation and enjoy the festivities typically associated with summer. Some even do worse and binge eat and imbibe way too much. The good news is, all is not lost—you can climb back on the weight loss wagon more seamlessly than you think.

If you’re ready to get back on track with whichever diets or easy weight loss programs you were following, here are three tips to help you make the transition and recover from an epicurean summer.  

Don’t skip. If you’ve been decadent for the last month, you may feel like skipping meals to try to “make up” for all the calorie-laden meals you’ve had recently. This is the worst thing you can do! When you skip meals, it throws your metabolism off kilter and makes you feel even hungrier, which can ultimately lead to overeating. Instead, plan some healthy meals that incorporate protein, especially breakfast. Opt for healthy foods recommended by weight loss clinics such as eggs, fruits, veggies and Greek yogurt to satisfy your appetite through the day.

Get moving. If you’ve been lax due to a vacation or just slowed down because of the heat, jump back into your exercise routine as soon as possible—meaning today. No excuses! Exercise will help burn some of those excess calories while elevating your mood and putting you in a positive mindset, which ultimately helps you make better choices when it comes to meals.

Write down your goal. Writing down a goal helps you achieve it, as it becomes real and verifiable. This is an excellent practice for those following easy weight loss programs. Get specific—don’t just commit to losing 10 pounds. Write down that you want to lose five pounds by October 1 and work out 4-5 times per week for the entire month. 


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