Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Snacks for easy weight loss programs

Around 4 pm every day, many of us get that hankering for a snack and those evil vending machines in the office break room start calling our names. When you’re trying to have success with diets or easy weight loss programs, this can be somewhat catastrophic. Yet with some planning, forethought and a little bit of nutrition knowledge, you can get through snack hour with zero damage to your waistline.

When it comes to snack time, size matters
. And since you ate a healthy breakfast and lunch, you probably just need a little something to keep your metabolism revved. As you may have noticed, many weight loss products and snacks come in 100-calorie servings. This is because that’s about all you need to keep your body fueled in between meals. Here are some great ideas for snacks to satiate your appetite and stave off those cravings for junk food, while staying on track with easy weight loss programs. And remember, try to incorporate as many fruits and vegetables as possible!
Make your snacks interesting. If apples bore you, but you know you need more fiber in your diet, slice them up and dip them in a spoonful of almond butter. Or bake them with some cinnamon for a delicious snack that almost passes for dessert.

Dip fruit slices in low-fat Greek yogurt sprinkled with some metabolism-revving cinnamon or nutmeg.
Popcorn is actually a great source of fiber and has a surprisingly high antioxidant content. Sprinkle it with cinnamon for a sweet take. Slice a tomato and sprinkle it with a little bit of feta and extra virgin olive oil for a healthy dose of lycopene and omega-3 fatty acids.

Dip celery, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, sliced bell peppers or carrot sticks in hummus for a fiber-rich, protein-packed energy boost.

Mix raisins with a handful of unsalted almonds, cashews or walnuts—the omega 3 fatty acids will make your skin glow and elevate your mood. Switch it up by mixing in cranberries or dates.

Mix fresh or frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or strawberries with low-fat Greek yogurt. Make it a fruit parfait that resembles dessert by topping it with sliced almonds or sunflower seeds.

If you have a sweet tooth, try weight loss products such as Drizzles, which come in two delicious flavors, caramel and chocolate.

Bananas are always a great standby. Packed with fiber and potassium, they’ll help stave off hunger while helping to reduce bloating.

image: sunset.com

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring foods for weight loss programs

With bikini season around the corner, people are ramping up their weight loss plans with the goal of getting in shape and slimming down in time for hot weather and summer festivities. If you’re ready to shed extra pounds, there are lots of spring foods that are healthy and will help you look and feel great just in time for summer. Here are is a selection of stellar spring fruits recommended by our weight loss clinics to incorporate into your diet programs.

Northern Halibut. In season during the spring, this low fat, low calorie white fish is an excellent source of protein, with 30 grams per 4 ounce serving, making it an ideal choice for weight loss programs. Grill it up or poach it, and serve it with low calories sauces or citrus like lemon or lime.

Coconut. The reason that components of coconut are sometimes included in weight loss products is due to their high content of medium chain fatty acids that stimulate our metabolism, burn fat and trigger a hormone called CCK that slows down digestion and the release of sugars, while curbing hunger.

Broccoli. This leafy green veggie is a favorite among those following weight loss programs, as it’s a great source of fiber, which keeps our digestive system busy and us feeling full for longer periods of time. In addition, broccoli is loaded in vitamin B complex, which is essential for the release of energy from carbohydrates and magnesium and helps stave off sugar cravings. It’s also rich in Coenzyme Q10, which boosts your metabolism.

Rye. For members of our weight loss clinics who struggle with giving up starchy carbs, rye is a good choice for minimizing diet damage. The fiber in rye helps our body absorb water and keeps our hunger in check longer than most other sources of fibers.

Fennel. Studies show that fennel revs our metabolism, making it an excellent fat burning food and ideal choice for those following weight loss plans. It also helps us shed water stored in our fat cells.

Parsley. While it’s easy to forget about this little herb, it’s an ideal food for any weight loss plan and is an ingredient in many weight loss products. Known as nature’s diuretic, parsley is antioxidant-rich and packed in essential nutrients such as vitamin K.

Click here for information on how weight loss clinics can help you achieve your dietary goals.

image: allwomenstalk.com