Sunday, March 31, 2013

How you eat matters

Eating healthy and losing weight isn’t just about cutting calories; the way you eat your food matters—a lot. Many people who visit weight loss clinics can’t pinpoint the issues that caused their weight gain, and therefore aren’t sure about which habits they need to change first. This is understandable, because even when you strive to eat only healthy food, the way you eat it has a significant effect on the number on your scale.

Slow it down. Don’t eat quickly—it’s the worst thing you can do when you’re on a plan for losing weight. When you gulp down your meal, your stomach won’t have enough time to let your brain know that it’s full, and you’ll most likely overeat. Your stomach needs approximately 20 minutes to send your brain the signal, so eat your meal slowly.   

Enjoy your meal. Savor each bite and sit down at a table, even if you’re on eating solo. Sitting in front of the television with a plate can easily lead to mindless overeating. When you can join others, do so—eating in a social setting motivates you to adopt healthier habits and eat slowly.

Check in with your body. Really make sure that you’re truly hungry when you eat. Thirst is easily mistaken for hunger, so try a glass of water if you think you’re experiencing hunger pangs even though you just ate two hours before. Staying hydrated is essential for success with any diet or plan for losing weight.

Jump start every day with breakfast. A healthy breakfast with lean protein will rev your metabolism and boost your energy.

Avoid late night meals. Eat dinner as early in the day as possible, so that your body can have a longer fasting period between your last meal of the day and the next day’s breakfast. Research performed by various weight loss clinics indicate that eating when you’re more active, such as during the day, and giving your digestive system a longer break when you’re body is resting, can help with weight loss and maintenance.

image: the

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