Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sneaky ways to torch calories

With some major holidays around the corner, now is a good time to create some new health habits that burn extra calories. The people who have the most success with weight loss programs eat well and follow a consistent exercise program, but they also have a few tricks up their sleeve to maximize their caloric burn and rev their metabolism.  

Below are some simple ways to get your stealth burn going from some of the best nutritionists and doctors from weight loss clinics. They are straightforward and easy to implement, and the basis is this: take every opportunity to boost your heart rate and eat low calorie foods that satiate hunger for the maximum amount of time. 

Drink up. When you’re dehydrated, your metabolic rate drops. According to German research, drinking water can raise your metabolism by 30 percent. Plus, thirst is often mistaken for hunger, so try drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry or fatigued. It will give you energy and may stave off hunger. Plus, you need water to replenish the bodily fluids lost when you work out. Weight loss clinics recommend drinking eight glasses per day, and sometimes more for those who use medical weight loss pills. If you need some flavor, add a slice of lemon, orange, lime or cucumber.

Eat regularly… and often. Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can help you have success with weight loss programs. If you let too much time pass between meals and allow yourself to get hungry, you may overeat or consume unhealthy options. In addition, our bodies burn more energy when it has to digest smaller meals every few hours, rather than in three large meals per day. Make sure each meal is packed with nutrients and fiber to keep you full; fruits and veggies are always a good bet. Also strive to have healthy snacks on hand at the office and stash some in your purse for those days when you're on the go.

Move more. Do whatever you can to move more every day. Start by consulting with a personal trainer or a doctor from one of the weight loss clinics at your fingertips to devise a safe and effective workout program. Whether you decide to cross train, start jogging, take Pilates classes or yoga, it’s important for heart health and overall wellness to exercise on a regular basis.

Then make effort to burn even more calories throughout the day. Take the long way to the restroom when you’re at work, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the opposite end of the parking lot from your destination. Do everything you can by hand, from washing dishes and cleaning to gardening and cooking. If there are banks and stores nearby, walk or bike ride to all of your errands. Even the little things can increase your calorie burn and boost the results of medical weight loss pills.

Up the ante. Once you’re working out consistently and moving more in general, switch up the routine to confuse your muscles and rev your metabolism further. This will also help you combat plateaus. If you love your swim classes or reformer Pilates workouts, don’t stop doing them, simply add to them.

In an ideal world, we would all do some form of cardio work, resistance training and flexibility exercise. Try to achieve this balance by throwing some new workouts in the mix such as dance, kickboxing, or even gymnastics classes.  There are so many options and new fitness crazes sprouting up all the time—just make it a point to do something different every week. Whether it’s taking tennis lessons, playing a game of golf, or committing to Zumba with a friend every week, keeping your activities fresh will ensure you never get bored and are constantly challenging yourself.

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