Monday, August 29, 2011

Exercise to Shed the Excess

Exercise is a great way to shed pounds by burning a few extra calories, especially when you’re working with easy weight loss programs or a quick weight loss plan. At our weight loss clinics and Orange County medical weight loss center, whether you’re on a plan that includes FDA approved medical weight loss pills, nutritional counseling or weight loss products, we highly recommend that our clients begin some sort of safe exercise program.
If a person who weighs 200 pounds walks for an hour, they will burn approximately 228 calories. Ballroom dancing for that same person burns 273 calories. Bicycling at a leisurely pace burns 364 calories. That type of caloric burn is a great way to enhance the effectiveness of medical weight loss and quick weight loss programs.
Exercise also motivates people to eat healthier—another crucial component of the effectiveness of easy weight loss programs. Think about this for a moment; the work you do for an hour to burn 228 calories could be obliterated in a second by eating a single doughnut. When you’re trying to fit into that new wardrobe or achieve a weight loss goal through quick weight loss programs or the use of FDA approved medical weight loss pills, blowing calories on empty foods can be catastrophic. If you’re having trouble overcoming those kinds of binges, try working out—the feeling you have afterward will make you think twice about damaging your results. Speak to the staff at one of our medical weight loss clinics or Orange County weight loss center to learn some safe, effective exercise plans to try out that will supplement any quick weight loss plan.
Get support and info about medical weight loss programs and appetite suppressants at our Pasadena or Orange County medical weight loss clinics. Visit to find a location near you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Kicking the Sugar Habit

Ever wondered why it's so hard to eat just one piece of chocolate, one cookie or one doughnut? Chocolates, sweets, cheeses and meats cause the release of dopamine, a neurochemical that in turn stimulates the pleasure centers in our brains—the result is a kind of addiction. Even when you’ve worked with easy weight loss programs, weight loss products or FDA approved weight loss pills, you know that the sugar craving can snowball if you give in to just one bite. The consumption of that much sugar can be very detrimental to your quick weight loss plan.
The best way to manage this addiction depends on each individual. Going cold turkey works well for most people while gradually reducing exposure works for others. Stress and sleep deprivation can reduce your defenses, whereas appetite suppressants or medical weight loss pills can help (at our weight loss clinics, we only recommend FDA approved medical weight loss pills). If you’ve started one of our easy weight loss programs or on a quick weight loss plan, you’ll find that avoiding sugar is key to successful weight loss. There are many weight loss products as part of medical weight loss or quick weight loss programs that can help curb your craving for sugar.
Visit one of our weight loss clinics or our Orange County medical weight loss center and learn how to kick the habit with one of our quick weight loss programs. Whether you’re looking for medical diet pills or want to try our Orange County weight loss program, our staff is happy to give you information on the safest ways to achieve your weight loss goal. Visit for the locations of our medical weight loss centers and Orange County weight loss clinics.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Right Foods For Weight Loss

Whether you’ve begun a quick weight loss plan or one of our easy weight loss programs, there are some basic facts about weight loss that need to be considered. You must cut down caloric intake, exercise regularly and watch your consumption of certain foods. Working with weight loss clinics, FDA approved medical weight loss pills or using various weight loss products can also be helpful, but if you want to successfully lose weight and keep it off, cut down on the meat and cheese. This is a fundamental aspect of most easy weight loss programs and medical weight loss plans.
According to a study conducted in Europe, the more meat you eat, the fatter you'll be. This monumental study (known as the Epic Project) followed 300,000 Europeans over 20 years. By the end of the study, they noted that those who ate meat on a regular basis had a much harder time maintaining their weight during the 20 years they were followed.  
Try going a meal or two, or even a day or two, without eating any meat or dairy products. You’ll find that it’s easier to achieve success with quick weight loss programs and keep the weight off. On your next visit to our Orange County medical weight loss center or other weight loss clinics, speak to your physician about the alternatives to meat and dairy and how those foods affect your quick weight loss plan. Sometimes, even when you’re using appetite suppressants, medical diet pills or other weight loss products, you still may have a craving that you want to know how to overcome in a healthy manner.
Get support and info about medical weight loss, quick weight loss programs and FDA approved weight loss pills at one of our our Pasadena or Orange County medical weight loss clinics. Visit to find a location near you.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is your workplace making you fat?

Snacks and food in the workplace can often be a source of contention for those who are trying to implement a structured slim down program or a quick weight loss plan. Even when you’re using FDA approved medical weight loss pills or other weight loss products to assist with weight loss, it can be difficult to avoid the doughnuts or other treats coworkers may bring in.

It can be especially frustrating when you’ve cleared all the tempting food out of your house per recommendation of the array of medical weight loss and quick weight loss programs available, only to come into the office to find all sorts of sinful food. Even when you bring in a healthy lunch, you still have to face vending machines full of junk food when you hit the break room.
We hear this complaint all the time at our weight loss clinics and medical weight loss centers, and understand how difficult it can be. As part of our easy weight loss programs, we like to offer clients advice on how to stay on track in the most tempting situations.
A great start is to try to avoid the break room as much as possible. Despite our best efforts, and even when using appetite suppressants or FDA approved medical weight loss pills, sometimes it’s just too difficult to avoid junk food. Put a small coffee maker or electric kettle in your office or cubicle, and eat your lunch outside when you can. It’s also great for those working with quick weight loss programs to take walks after lunch—the fresh air will do you good and you’ll get the blood pumping. This kind of activity also helps lower stress levels.
The sight of food can be very powerful—again, even those working with weight loss products, medical diet pills or appetite suppressants are not immune to the sight of fattening foods. As part of your quick weight loss plan, you must develop a strategy—this means keeping foods out of sight and mind and having a healthy stash available for snacking. Whether you are working with one of our weight loss programs in Orange County, our Orange County medical weight loss center or our Pasadena medical weight loss clinic, our staff is happy to give you some ideas for healthy snacks. All of our medical weight loss programs recommend fruit and veggies, and other good snack choices include Greek yogurt, nuts and seeds. You can also try some of our delicious weight loss products like Drizzles or our smoothie mixes to stave off hunger.
Visit to get info about medical diet pills and weight loss pills, and our Orange County weight loss center. The website provides locations for all of our medical weight loss clinics in Orange County and our Pasadena weight loss program, and info on medical weight loss, whether it be an easy weight loss program, quick weight loss plan or program that works with weight loss pills.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Overcoming a Weight Loss Plateau

You've worked hard to improve your eating habits, using an easy weight loss program or weight loss products, and exercise regularly. For months, you saw the number on the scale drop and rewarded yourself. Then suddenly, for no reason, the progress stops… even though you’re doing all the same things. This is what is called a weight loss plateau.
At our medical weight loss clinics and Orange County medical weight loss centers, we see this all the time. In fact, it’s very normal for weight loss to slow or stop. This even happens to those using quick weight loss programs and FDA approved medical weight loss pills. However, if you understand the causes of a weight loss plateau, you can respond accordingly and stay on track with your easy weight loss program or quick weight loss plan.
Why do we plateau?
Whether you’re working with a weight loss clinic, weight loss products or even FDA approved medical weight loss pills, the progression from the start of your weight loss to a plateau follows a pattern.  When calories are reduced, the body releases glycogen, a carbohydrate found in the muscles and liver, to burn for energy. Glycogen retains water, so when it’s used for energy, it also releases the water, resulting in water weight loss. The plateau occurs because your metabolism slows as you lose muscle (which happens to everyone losing weight, whether you’re working with a weight loss clinic or not). To continue losing weight, you need to increase exercise or lower your caloric consumption. Even if you’re using medical diet pills or one of our quick weight loss programs, you must change your approach.
How do we overcome a plateau?
Essentially, you'll need to adjust your weight loss program or quick weight loss plan. Start by reducing your intake by 200 calories, as long as this doesn't put you below 1,200 calories (anything lower that that actually increase hunger and thus the risk of overeating, even if you’re using appetite suppressants or weight loss products).
It may be time to up the ante on your workout. Increase the amount of time you spend by 15 to 30 minutes, as well as the intensity. This will enable you to burn more calories. Increase your amount of general physical activity overall, by doing more yard work, housework or by walking and riding your bicycle to errands.
If your efforts to overcome a weight loss plateau aren't working, visit one of the physicians at our Orange County medical weight loss center or one of our other medical weight loss centers to learn about other strategies, medical weight loss or a quick weight loss plan that may work for you. Make sure your weight loss goal is healthy and realistic—don’t go overboard!
Get support and info about medical weight loss programs, medical diet pills and Orange County weight loss program at our Pasadena or Orange County medical weight loss clinics. Visit to find a location near you.