Sunday, August 10, 2014

Top 5 Weight Loss Tips from Our Members

There’s more to losing weight than just consuming less calories and increasing physical activity. We recommend that members of our medical weight loss centers adopt new habits and overhaul their current regimen to achieve a healthy lifestyle that will help them maintain their weight loss for the long term.

There are many ways to lose weight, but don’t you want to keep it off? Below are some favorite tips from members of our medical weight loss centers that have helped them achieve the results they wanted and remain at their dream weight.

1.    Pace yourself. One of the best ways to eat less at meals is to slow down so that your stomach has time to signal your brain that it’s full. Try setting your utensils down between each bite and sip water frequently throughout the meal. Savor each bite and enjoy the meal—chances are you’ll eat noticeably less at each setting.

2.    Get rid of your “fat” clothes. Once you start dropping pounds, get rid of all the clothes that don’t fit. You won’t feel like you have a wardrobe to fall back on—and the idea of buying a whole new wardrobe if you gain the weight back will motivate you to stay on track.

3.    Keep a meal diary. Research shows that people who keep a meal log eat up to 15 percent less than those who track their intake. Log everything you consume for one week—you’ll quickly see where you can make cuts. Just make sure to always log everything you consume, including drinks, sauces, condiments, etc.

4.    Only eat when you’re hungry. Unfortunately, many people eat out of boredom, anxiety, frustration or just plain habit. If you’re thinking about a certain food, it’s most likely a craving, not hunger. Really wait until you’re actually hungry before reaching for a snack or preparing a meal.

5.    Avoid sugar-laden foods. Read the labels on whatever you buy—and if the item lists sugar, fructose, or corn syrup among the first four ingredients on the label, ditch it. You can definitely find a similar item with less sugar.


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