Sunday, February 23, 2014

3 Clever Tips for Easy Weight Loss

When you work with easy weight loss programs, you can experience safe, effective weight loss that makes you look great and feel healthier. If you want to sustain these results, it’s essential to make lifestyle changes and adopt healthy habits for the long term—but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Read on for some easy ways to maintaining the results of diets and weight loss products.

1. Think addition, not subtraction. Instead of focusing on what you’re going to eliminate, think about which healthy foods you can add to your diet. Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables helps you experience success with easy weight loss programs, so make it a goal to eat five to nine servings per day. Make it easy by incorporating fruits and veggies into your recipes in addition to eating them alone or on the side. Find ways to add other healthy foods that are high in protein and fiber as well.

2. Have treats when you’re not at home. Depriving yourself of your favorite foods can ultimately lead to binge eating, so it’s better to indulge every once in awhile, rather than try to avoid them completely. Indulge in your treats and cheat meals somewhere other than home, so you don’t have the treats in the refrigerator or pantry. Plan your indulgence and make it an outing, such as walking to the frozen yogurt store. Be sure to practice moderation—don’t let the treat turn into a day of decadence.

3. Be selective about nighttime eating. It’s easy to snack mindlessly and overdo it after dinner, as for many, it’s the first opportunity to relax and wind down from the day. Avoid plopping down in front of the television with a bag of anything, as it’s easy to lose track and let the calories accumulate. It takes our stomach about 20 minutes to signal your brain that it’s full—you can easily devour a bag of chips in that time. Only allow yourself low-calorie snacks after dinner, such as a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts or weight loss products such as Control Crisps or Drizzles.


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