Monday, August 27, 2012

Why weight loss programs and junk food don’t mix

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The world’s oldest person, Besse Cooper, turned 116 yesterday. Her secret to such a long life? She doesn’t eat junk food!

Unfortunately, the old adage rings pretty true—we are what we eat. The foods we consume shape us and contribute to our health. Junk food is one of the worst deterrents to weight loss programs—it’s typically high calorie, contains harmful synthetic chemicals and preservatives, and contains few, if any, nutrients. 

Most junk food, such as chips, candy, ice cream, baked goods and fast food, is highly processed and lacking in essential nutrients. In addition to the chemicals used as preservatives and for flavor, junk food typically has high sugar content—exactly what medical weight loss centers want you to avoid. Eating junk food causes spikes in blood sugar and starts that cycle of blood rushes and crashes, resulting in increased hunger shortly after eating it, even if you’re using weight loss pills prescribed by a medical clinic to help you suppress your appetite.

Studies show that junk food has also been linked to various cancers, birth defects and chronic illnesses. It definitely does nothing to help your energy levels and immunity, which is something we need the food we eat to do. Medical weight loss centers recommend that you eat foods that are fiber and nutrient-rich—that means wholesome, non-processed foods like fresh fruit and vegetables.

Whether or not you’re following a diet or one of the many weight loss programs available, eating junk food is a detriment to your health. It increases your LDL cholesterol levels, raises blood pressure, reduces the ability of your digestive system to function efficiently, weakens immunity and causes a sluggish metabolism. The result is an increase in fat storage in your body—aka weight gain or obesity.

Eating junk food regularly can lead to major health problems, as well as a much larger number on the scale. Even when you take weight loss pills prescribed by a medical clinic, your body will not be able to utilize all the excess calories that junk food provides. Not only does eating junk food lead to obesity, it can cause cardiovascular disease and the other problems mentioned above. Is that candy bar really worth it?

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